Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The doc...

...says my human has to be a lot better at keeping me from leaping around so much and to maybe help me lose a little weight. So I'm always supposed to take the ramps and I am not allowed on my favorite lookout perch anymore. And I have to go in my kennel when no one is around.

But I like to super-dog and do wind sprints occasionally and when my back hurts I can't do all those fun things.

It's hard being a wiener.

1 comment:

Buddy T. Doxie said...

yep lose the lbs, we have a ramp too...
we love our human but sometime he can be a pain.
Like when it is raining & it's time to go out, he want's us to go but he stands in the door-way (DRY) & we get wet..
Hay if you have a min come and see my blogger page it's:

HTTP://Buddythedoxie.blogspot.com or HTTP://Myspace.com/Buddythedoxie
hope you have a great day...